
For my pdf resume, click here. For my Linkedin, click here.

For a more complete summary of my qualifications, just read below.

Professional Experience

Software Development

FLReader - October 2022 to July 2023

I created an app to allow users to read books in foreign languages, with on-click translations to facilitate language acquisition. It is currently online on Google Play.

Check it out here.

WeCreate - September 2021 to June 2022

A German company with the goal of facilitating communications between citizens and government. I was in charge of the Frontend, transforming designs into storyboard components, including them in the website, connecting them with backend, and finally deploying.

Check them out here.

MercadoVargas - January to June 2021

MercadoVargas was an e-commerce platform with the goal of allowing sellers to create their own stores. It was specially designed for supermarkets and food retailers, in a way similar to UberEats or Grab, but with groceries. I worked on the Frontend with React Native, Expo, and Apollo, and the backend with my GraphQL, NodeJs, SQL.

Freelancing - June 2018 to December 2020

  • Handled everything related to IT for a grassroot political movement.
  • Created a website to handle user registrations with Django.
  • Created a newspaper website with Django.
  • Created a website to sell hydroponics equipment with Magento.
  • Created a landing page for an american NGO with Wordpress.

Other Experience

UNITAR - 2017

Worked in the United Nations Institute for Training and Research in Geneva, Switzerland. I was in the Public Finance and Trade Programme, where I developed a course on Fundamentals of Economics, taken by several dozen mid-level government officials in different countries in Africa. I also handled communications with South American partner institutions and did simultaneous translations in Spanish-English and English-Spanish.

Fundacion Educacion Activa Venezuela - 2016

Created an NGO during a gap year to help locals from communities around Caracas to self-organize and solve local issues. We did this by giving courses about self-management and fundraising to local community leaders. Although active for a year, we were very small and unfortunately had to dissolve at the end of the year. Still, this was my first experience in a management position, doing something in service to a community.


Here is a nonexhaustive list of my skills:

Frontend Backend Others Soft Skills
HTML / CSS / JS Django Git Open Minded
React Flask Rest API and GraphQL Proactive
React Native Node & ExpressJS Linux Collaborative
Flutter SQL and NoSQL DBs CI/CD Natural Problem Solver


TheSeniorDev - 2023

Software Mastery Training: An 8 weeks program covering professional aspects in software development. Working on production-ready systems gaining proficiency in different topics (Software Design Principles, Microservices Architecture and API Design, CI/CD, Testing).

Codeworks - 2021:

Graduated from the Full Stack Software Engineering programme in their Barcelona campus.

Bachelor's Degree - 2016:

Graduated in Economics and Management from the University of Savoy Mont-Blanc.

Language Skills

Native Level:

English, Spanish, French

Limited Proficiency:
